by ASN | Apr 27, 2022 | Cornea, Donor Month, Ophthalmology, Share Your Story, Uncategorized
With two active children and a career that keeps her traveling the southeast, Rachel McHann’s life had always overflowed with to-dos. She loved attending softball and basketball games and hitting the road for a busy week of work advocating for organ donation. She would have never dreamed that one day she’d find herself in need of a transplant, just like many of the patients she encountered in her work. (more…)
by ASN | Apr 13, 2022 | Cornea, Donor Month, Ophthalmology, Share Your Story, Uncategorized
It’s never easy to be away from your children, especially when they’re embarking on a months-long mission trip on the other side of the world. Dana Murphy knew this, and she prepared herself for a tough goodbye before she dropped her daughter, Katie, off at the airport. What she didn’t expect was for Katie’s trip to Cambodia and Thailand to be cut short by a rapid and terrifying turn of events. (more…)
by ASN | Apr 6, 2022 | Cornea, Donor Month, Ophthalmology, Share Your Story, Uncategorized
As a nurse, Heather Reed sees the positive impact of organ, eye and tissue donation in the lives of her patients, but the tables were turned when she found herself in need of a corneal transplant. Early in her career, Heather contracted shingles in her eye, causing severe pain and impaired vision. (more…)