Contact Us
Mississippi Lions Eye Bank
431 Katherine Drive
Flowood, MS 39232

Kellie Wier, RN, CTBS
Mississippi Lions Eye Bank Executive Director
Mississippi Lions Eye Bank was established in 1977 to help individuals in our state receive the sight-saving corneal transplants they need, and to provide tissue for sight-saving research.
The Mississippi Lions Eye Bank is funded in part by the Lions Sight Foundation of Mississippi, the major fund raising arm of the Lions Clubs of Mississippi. Mississippi leads the nation in per capita blindness. Approxiamately 15-20% of those individuals could have their sight restored through a corneal transplant. Because of that fact, MLEB works diligently with all hospitals in the state of Mississippi (excluding Desoto County) to educate the public regarding the need for donation as well as to facilitate the donation process.

Questions? I can help!
Candice Lee
Director of Development
P (205) 313-8331
C (205) 540-3361
F 205-942-2184